Getting to sleep while going through menopause can be very frustrating. Night sweats, restlessness, and so many other side effects can be difficult to handle and can lead to insomnia.
Fluctuating hormones are the trigger for hot spells. In the middle of the night, this can cause you to wake in drenching sweat and the inability to resume a restful night’s sleep. If this happens frequently, insomnia can take over, and anxiety can rise when it comes to bedtime.
If this sounds familiar to you, thankfully, there are various methods to help you regain control of your sleep during this changing time.
Below we’ve compiled a list of the top 8 ways to help you sleep better if hot flashes wake you up at night. Read on to find the solutions to your problem and get a peaceful night’s rest.
1. Exercise
When an issue arises with sleep, the first thing you should ask yourself is, ‘Am I making my body tired?‘ You’re far more likely to enjoy a full night’s rest if your body needs it, and the same is true for women going through menopause.
Try to exercise in the morning (1) or early afternoon for optimal sleep. Getting the heart pumping too close to bedtime can have the opposite effect you need.
Need help selecting bedding that will keep you cool at night? Check out our Resource Guide!
2. Keep Cool
Staying cool may seem like the obvious solution to hot flashes in the middle of the night, but many of us correlate a comfy bedroom with warmth. To ward off the midnight sweats, adjust your thermostat so that you’re cool at night. Consider taking a cold shower before bed, too, and have a glass of water nearby.
3. Select the Right PJs
Another way to keep cool is by wearing breathable pajamas. It’s also worth changing your bedding to a lightweight duvet and buy organic cotton bed sheets over synthetic ones. By doing this, you’ll be comfortable at night when your body turns up the temperature.
4. Avoid Caffeine
Caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, and cola are sleep’s worst enemy. Foods like chocolate are also high in caffeine and should be avoided in the afternoon to promote tiredness ready for restful sleep.
Caffeine can stay in your system for up to eight hours and can often be the main trigger for menopausal women suffering from hot flashes.
6. Relaxation Techniques
Like using CBD oil, other techniques to relax before you go to bed can be a savior for the anxious mind. You can listen to a guided meditation as you drift off or practice some deep breathing to de-stress if you wake abruptly.
7. Create a Schedule
Many of us provoke unhealthy sleep by burning the candle at both ends during the week. We always have the best intention of catching up on our Z’s at the weekend. However, it’s been proven that sticking to the same schedule helps to restore our natural body clock essential for long-term quality sleep.
Final Words
What works for one woman may not work for others to reduce the onset of nighttime hot flashes. Therefore, it’s crucial you don’t become frustrated if one method doesn’t work for you straight away. Whichever you choose to try, give it time to work. If you decide to try a little or all of the above advice, keep a diary to help you manage what you’ve done to see what’s working.
People want to come home to healthier, happier environments. Zero toxin, vegan and wellness design is becoming the “new normal.”

– Deborah DiMare –
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I’m Deborah! My mission is to show others by demonstration, that no living being, human & non, be sacrificed for beautiful, non toxic, healthy & durable furniture & decor. More about me.

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