Many common household items we’ve used over the years are actually bad for your health. Some can damage your skin; others can contaminate your food. But the most dangerous toxins are in the air, your furniture, and your environment. “Make sure you have the necessary smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed. That should be your first priority. If you’re worried about other poisons, there are tests you can have done to check for common household toxins.” Starting by installing those detectors. Print and tape this infographic below to your fridge.
Toxins Hiding In Your Home by Ambient Bamboo Flooring
Family Safety & Hidden Home Poisons
1. Protect Yourself with Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
The first thing you should do is check to make sure your smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarms are working properly. There should be at least one smoke alarm on each floor of your home, including the attic and basement. Keep them at least 10 feet away from kitchen appliances to avoid false alarms. They should either be on the ceiling or 12 inches below the ceiling on the wall.
Carbon monoxide alarms follow the same rules, but they should also be inside and just outside of every bedroom. They should be kept away from fuel-burning appliances, direct sunlight, areas with too much air circulation, and humid areas.
And if you’re a smoker, start the process of quitting, especially inside your home. Cigarette smoke is toxic and can set off both your smoke alarms and CO alarms.
2. Stop Using Pesticides
Pesticides can cause asthma, learning disabilities, and brain development problems in children. The benefits of keeping bugs out of your house and yard aren’t worth the potential damage that can be done to your children.
Instead, keep your home clean, and pests shouldn’t be an issue. Also, make sure all food is stored securely. And don’t worry too much about weeds. If they’re a problem, pull them instead of spraying them. It’s better for the environment and better for your health.
3. Cut Down on Plastic Use
Plastic water bottles can leak chemicals into the water you’re drinking, and plastic food containers can contaminate your food. At the very least, don’t heat up your food in plastic containers. That can melt the plastic and cause it to leak into your food.
When in doubt, use glass or ceramic containers instead. If you buy food that comes in plastic containers, remove it from the container before heating it up.
4. Get a Water Filter
Tap water can potentially be hazardous to your health as well. There are many water contaminants that aren’t regulated at all, and the ones that are regulated become higher than is safe occasionally.
You can either get a water pitcher filter or one that attaches to your sink. Many refrigerators come with filtered water dispensers as well. Just make sure that you change the filter regularly.
People want to come home to healthier, happier environments. Zero toxin, vegan and wellness design is becoming the “new normal.”

– Deborah DiMare –
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I’m Deborah! My mission is to show others by demonstration, that no living being, human & non, be sacrificed for beautiful, non toxic, healthy & durable furniture & decor. More about me.

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