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Learn About A Cruelty-Free, Sustainable Design Specialty
The world is making noise and joining the healthy, ethical movement. Why haven’t you?
Get Certified in a Cruelty Free/Healthy Design Specialty. No more competing with the giant design firms.
Our course graduates are diverse. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A VEGAN OR RUN A VEGAN BUSINESS. This course is a specialty to add to your existing services like a LEED, staging or color consultation specialty. It is an ADDITIONAL SKILL to your current services.
The online Cruelty Free Accelerator Certification Course includes everything you need to know about vegan & healthy, ethical design. You’ll be fully prepared & educated to gain today’s customer seeking healthy, positive, clean & ethical environments for themselves, their families & especially their children. The training is quick. It can be completed in as little as one full day.
“I took the course and it changed my life.”
– Samantha Lipman
“An essential learning resource critical in bringing about a change in the way we interact with the planet and in business.”
– Shailja Vohora of Interiors with Art
As Featured In:

“VeganDesign.org is an organization dedicated to educating designers on the devastating practices with the design industry. Through spreading awareness, trends and practices will shift towards a new all-encompassing standard that respects the planet and all of its inhabitants.”
– S. Campbell
About The Training:
The online Cruelty Free Accelerator Certification Course includes everything you need to know about cruelty free, healthy design. You’ll be fully prepared & educated to financially grow your business while having purpose & saving animals, laborers & the planet. Plus it’s quick. It can be completed in as little as one full day! Become your best self & grow your customer base.

What Is It?
The Cruelty Free Training Accelerator is a “step by step” online course. The training shows you how to add cruelty free, healthy design to your existing services and become educated about the skins and hides manufacturing process. The course is accredited for 7.5 CEU’s
“This class was really full of information and reasonably short so I could find time in my busy schedule to take it.”
– Veronika Moyhckova
Who It’s For:
The training is for anyone seeking to gain more clients, reach the ethical customer, save animals and learn about healthier, vegan and sustainable design options. The training is for those wanting to add a cruelty-free design specialty to their list of services and credentials.

How Does It Work?
It’s a simple process. Watch the training videos, all in stunning HD format and complete the action items. The course can be done entirely on either a desktop, tablet or mobile device. Upon completion you receive a certificate and 7.5 Accredited CEU’s along with additional perks listed below.
Why Does It Exist?
We created the training out of demand from ethical, health driven and compassionate consumers. Thankfully they are forcing our industry to make change. We are the only training of its kind ANYWHERE in the world. There are no certifications that educate professionals about the importance cruelty-free, vegan design and how to use this credential. Our course teaches you to meet the needs of this customer and we do it in extreme detail.

When Does It Start?
You’re in control! The training can start the minute you’d like if that is your preference. Since it’s an E-learning platform – online, you can access the course anytime, anywhere in the world, 24/7. You can complete one part at a time or finish the entire course in under a day. There are 4 videos and one bonus video.

“Deborah DiMare is an experienced, intelligent, successful, design consultant who has the capability to guide everyone.”
– LuAnn Nigara, A Well Designed Business Podcast Host
Here’s Why You Need to Get Educated About Cruelty-Free Interior Design:

Well-Being & Optimal Health are what customers want in their spaces. It is the trend in design globally. Learning how to distinguish which materials and products are not laden with chemicals and other poisons are key to your business.

The world is on a great mission! Today, more than half of consumers search for brands & companies that are socially & ethically conscious.

As a business, you must understand and have the know-how to reach this customer or you will lose out to your competition. It’s a necessity, as a professional, to learn about gentler, safer design alternatives for children and adults.

Sustainable, cruelty-free, vegan & compassionate are mainstream terms in today’s world and you must have a complete understanding of these terms and lifestyle.
What Certified Professionals Are Saying:
The Cruelty Free Certified Training has a 5 star ★★★★★ rating & will showcase your proficiency in meeting today’s compassionate, health driven & sustainable design standards.
Listen in while our founder Deborah DiMare explains why an Ethical & Wellness Design Specialty is KEY for designers.
Benefits of the Certified Training:

Upon completion, you’ll receive 7.5 accredited CEUs that are accepted by ASID, IIDA, IDCEC IDC, DSA & NCIDQ, these credits are valid for CEU submission. ASID members must earn a minimum of 10 CEUs every two years – so this online training gets you more than halfway there!

Display your Certification Completion Certificate on your website, social media & hang in your office!

Display your Certification Completion Certificate on your website, social media & hang in your office!

“I would 100% recommend this course! It opens your eyes & drives you to make a difference.”
– Diana Gil, Interior Designer

Meet Your Instructor:
Deborah DiMare is an accomplished cruelty-free design expert & trainer & has educated industry professionals about wellness & humane design globally. She has been the principal of DiMare Design, an ultra luxury compassionate design consulting firm for nearly 20 years. She is an author, TV personality, educational speaker, and global influencer for the vegan & wellness design movement.
Deborah is showing the world that no living creature, human & non, need suffer or die for beautiful furniture. She has demonstrated how less toxic, healthier, durable and luxurious faux alternatives can easily replace wool, fur, leather & other animal derived materials.
Deborah and her design expertise & training have been featured on the Today Show, NBC, TLC and in the pages of The Huffington Post, The Hollywood Reporter, Dezeen, Live Kindly & VegNews.
Read More Training Reviews:
Professionals from every continent have completed the online cruelty free course to advance their careers. If you’re a member of ASID, IIDA, IDCEC, IDC, DSA & NCIDQ, these credits are valid for 7.5 CEU credits submission.
By adding this specialty and credential to your existing services, you’re opening your doors to ethical customers that are seeking healthier, cruelty free design alternatives.

“I couldn’t thank Deborah DiMare enough for making this course available to interior design professionals like myself and in business in general.”

“By taking this course you will become aware of the truly cruel and inhumane practices that occur just to get product…that we could easily live without. In today’s interior design product offerings, there are tons of fantastic cruelty-free alternatives.”

“I am so glad I chose the VeganDesign.org Certification course. I think it is important for anyone who has the power to choose products for themselves or others to know the truth behind where each product is from and how many other options are so easily available. It is our responsibility as designers to make these right decisions and educate our clients about these choices.”

“The cruelty free market is the future. New generations are more socially conscious. Our business has grown tremendously & offering cruelty-free alternatives in addition to our regular services. I highly recommend the course.”

“VeganDesign.org is an excellent resource to learn about the issues of animal cruelty in the textiles industry and to learn about high quality animal-free alternative products.”

“The Vegan Design 101 Class enlightened me. All of the items covered were very real. The program brought more awareness on the process, to own animal products produced by companies for financial gain. Animals suffer around the clock for companies and individuals to profit. You can’t sleep at night knowing this is happening. It has to STOP and we all have to wake up and make change.”

“Everyone should take this course. Not only as business owners or interior designers but as human beings.”

“VeganDesign.org is a wonderful organization that focuses on highlighting and educating us about the animal suffering involved in the interior and fashion industries. The course also provides cruelty free alternative resources that can be bought instead.”

“The course is an eye-opening experience in more ways than one: first, as an informational and educational guide to the treatment of animals in the leather, fur, and other industries; and second, as a resource to let designers and others know that there are alternatives to furs and skins available that can accomplish design goals without endangering the animals who cannot speak for themselves. ”
A Few Frequently Asked Questions:
> Animals, including dogs & cats, are raised to be slaughtered in unimaginable, torturous ways.
> The pollution created by the skins & hides industries is enormous and has tremendous global impact.
> Workers are also victims. They are desperate and work in dangerous, deplorable conditions. The chemicals and toxins used in these industries poison workers and surrounding villages & towns.
> The end user, YOU & the consumer, are surrounding yourself & your loved ones with poison soaked fabrics that are absorbed in to our skin & bodies.

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